Adailia, The Ways of The Wicked

(TW: Domestic violence)

Chapter 1

The death of a loved one 


I sat at the foot of my bed staring at my reflection in the mirror. My long blonde hair draped over my shoulder. My glasses rest gently on my face. I look around my room at the portraits of me. My face is everywhere. I stand from my bed and walk over to my mirror. My reflection stares back. 

“My name is Lillith Rose Midreil, I am the daughter of King Elaiz Midreil III and Queen Olivia Midreil.” I promptly say. My reflection doesn't say anything back. I whip my head around when I hear knocking on my door. 

“Come in!” I call. Ms.Marie and the other maids come into my room. Ms.Marie is quite young. She is a very tall woman with long black hair tied into a ponytail. She is very pretty. It's a shame she is a maid. 

“Lilith, I got Mr.James to make you a new dress for the memorial service today. Here, take a look.” Ms.Marie holds up a beautiful princess lined dress. It was scarlet with hints of yellow. 

“I like it,” I pause, not knowing what to say next. I sit on my bed once again. “Ms.Marie, I'm not ready for this.”

 Ms.Marie pats me on the shoulder, “It's been five years Lilith, it's time.” 


“My name is Lilith Rose Midreil. I am the daughter of King Elaiz Midreil and Queen Olivia Midreil. As you may know my father passed away five years ago to this date. He was a great father. I loved him with every part of me. Even though it's been so long, my heart remains black and bruised knowing he isn't here with us anymore. I will always be hurt from our tragic loss, and so will many of you. But I know my father would not want us to mourn his death any longer, so I dedicate this memorial service to him in a way to show my appreciation for all he has done. Thank you for listening.” 

The people begin clapping for me as I sit down next to my mother. Some people in the crowd are crying. Ms.Marie is crying. My mother is crying. Why are they crying?

My mother stands from her seat and begins speaking. I can't hear her. I don't want to hear her. Everything we say is simply not true. My father wasn't a good man and I don't understand why we sit to the side and pretend he was.

My father was a loud mouth drunk. He would yell and scream anytime he didn't get his way. There was one time I will never forget.

“Elaiz please I don't want to argue.” My mom pleaded. Tears were streaming down her face, yet my father showed no remorse.

“Olivia just shut up! You sit on your ass all day while I’m out ruling these people. Maybe if you start to pitch in I wouldn't be this way!” My dad was screaming so loud I wouldn't be surprised if the whole kingdom could hear. 



The world seemed to fall silent after that.

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