ignore the fact that it's christmas eve lolz i'll be making a blog about that when i wake up tomorrow.
hello, world! i have finally joined the funky and cozily-niche world of spacehey! i am coming from windows93, my 15 year old self had an adorable page on there that basically consisted of a straight copy-and-paste of somebody else's CSS and about 2 blog entries. hey, at least i tried. this time though, given the fact that spacehey has an app, i am going to do my damndest to post blogs frequently. i'm already having so much fun decorating my profile... so much so that i have to stick to this basic red-and-black coding for my blog post today... my humblest apologies for not being the most decked-out mf at the party. i'll make a super radical blog layout whenever i have time, i promise.
i'm real excited to leave my overly-decorated mark on the internet!
but i oughta go to bed right now, i have a loooong christmas eve tomorrow. goodnight, strangers! :P
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hope ur having good holidays with great folks (even if ur ur own company)!
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THANK you so much! :D oops i kept caps lock on LAWL
by ICARUS, THE DEITY; ; Report