
I just tried to kill a mosquito, it didn't die.

I try a lot of times to admire and literally like some of God's creations, but they make it hard. Like lizards, or rats, cockroaches are at the bottom of my list, ew.

Today I read/listened to Proverbs 15, 16 and 17 and Revelation 11. I learn a lot from Proverbs everyday and I definitely recommend it, even if you're not Christian. I read that angry words worsen tempers and gentle words make them better. The more you know. 

I tried to kill another mosquito🥲

In Revelation, today, I found out that the second terror entails God's two appointed witnesses, spitting fireballs at their opps and being able to control the weather when they prophesied, turn rivers into blood and cause plagues whenever wanted. When they finish prophesying, they're murdered by the beast from the abyss, people are happy all over the world, nobody buries them, they're left in the main street of Jerusalem and three and a half days later, God brings them back to life and they ascended into heaven.

People who were staring were traumatised and like o.1% of the city is destroyed by an earthquake, killing 7,000 people.

Then the third terror came after the seventh angel blew his trumpet.

I just killed two mosquitoes accidentally and the blood that gushed out was...yeah😭.

The 24 elders praise God, period, and the Temple in Heaven is opened and we see the ARK, cue lightning, thunder an earthquake and hailstorm

3 Kudos


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