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Category: Games

Patience and pressure + GUI stuff [KYL:TG]

Patience and pressure

I think I've finally figured out how to deal with the countdown/pressure problem... thing. Conundrum. Kerfuffle.

What's "patience"?

For starters, there isn't a countdown anymore... kinda. It's just renamed to patience. I'll explain in the next section.

The radio-speaker/stationer and the communicator-cop

So the idea is, every level there'll be 1 cop who is actively communicating what is happening to a radio-speaker/stationer.

The radio-speaker has 2 stats/metres: patience & tension. Tension tells how many and how aggressive the communicator wants the cops to be, the higher it is - the more rampant and the more aggressive cops become. Patience tells whether the radio-speaker's patience towards the player. If the patience metre reaches 0 - the radio-speaker gives up and calls a private sniper (obviously he'd have one) in to just kill the player, ending the game. (I explained this the previous entry, but the name "patience" makes a bit more sense.)

The communicator-cop doesn't hold a gun and actively tries to get away from the player. As long as they're alive, more cops will spawn and if you kill any of the cops, tension grows. If the communicator-cop dies, patience increases (but notably it doesn't stop going down) and tension is unaffected if you kill any of the non-communicator-cops, but it does gradually go down as long as the player is in a level without a communicator-cop.

GUI stuff

concept art for the GUI

I also think I finally got the GUI figured out.

So, for starters, we got the player-GUI on the left side. Pretty simple, just has player health, the semiautomatic ammo and whether or not you can reflect bullets with your semiautomatic. (not shown in concept art cause I forgor) There's also a little graphic of the player it/him/themself, with the eyes/pupil moving according to the mouse. This has already been done but not fully implemented for all the characters yet.

(Oh, I think I've never actually mentioned this - you can reflect bullets with your semiautomatic. There is a delay between each reflect which's why it's in the UI)

On the right side - there's the radio-speaker GUI. It'll have 2 bars telling how much tension there is and how much patience does the radio-speaker have. There'll also be a graphic of the radio-speaker, which I am somewhat afraid to do, as I want to make an animation for every situation. For example, when the tension is high - the graphic'll have a red alarm going off in the background and the radio-speaker'll be sweating. The animation'll change gradually alongside both tension and patience. When the patience reaches 0, I want there to be a little animation of the radio-speaker getting angry and calling someone on the phone - with that someone being the private sniper.

Doing the calculations, I would have to do about 28 separate animations at most for the radio-speaker, which isn't actually that scary.

Thanks for reading and feel free to leave any thoughts in the comments!

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