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Category: Friends

here we go...

the weirdest thing has just happened to me. So for a little backstory, im friend with this one girl and she hasn't been the greatest friend but we can move past that for now. School has finished for us and all of a sudden she's being rude to me. On discord she and her friend were also changing their status when i changed mine.  They said things like 'fuck you too' 'bro is cringe af' blud is trying to get attention from status' like none of it was even directed at them. If it was, i wouldn't have used status to say stuff to them. It was so weird and random that even my own bf noticed when i never told him anything. When i comforted them they just ignored me. We hadn't talked for like a week or so but i never did anything to hurt her or anything. My other friend tells me i should go off at her but i dont think its right, i should be the better person in this situation but i kinda want to go off at her. Do i go off at her, confront her about it or just be the bigger person and ignore it for now? 

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dxtr's profile picture

honestly confront them but dont "go off" at them, like ask if they have a problem with u and then tell them what youve noticed has been going on but yea getting pissed or yelling at them would be overkill and 9/10 times makes things worse

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thank you for the advice. everyone else tells me 'do what you think its best' like what i think is best probs wont be the best. thank you for the advice tho, its better then what i would have done.

by eden; ; Report