The more I learn about judaism the more I wonder where tf christianity got all its bad shit. I am not religous in any way but, i cant help but think about it. Why is divorce a sin in christianity when judaism has recognized the right to divorce for nearly a millennia and has codified religious laws for it. Why does christianity consider sex to be dirty (to the point where puritans considered it a sin to enjoy having sex with your own spouse) when in judaism it's considered holy and it's a literal mitzvah to have sex with your spouse on the sabbath. Why does christianity consider it a sign that you're faithless if you question your religion when in judaism that's considered an essential part to developing your faith. I'm probably stating the obvious here but I still can't get over the fact that there's no historical basis to any of this shit before christianity started, it's like christians just said "hey guys what if we took the torah and built a new religion around it but this time it was actively hostile to human life"
(This isn't referring to any individual christians!! I'm speaking on my own religious trauma and such)
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it is not a sin to divorce, (Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:8-10). Divorce in the Bible is only permissible if either partner engages in an adulterous relationship outside of marriage. and as for sex, it is a gift from God for married couples to enjoy, it only becomes 'dirty' when not married. i'm a bit baffled by this information that "(to the point where puritans considered it a sin to enjoy having sex with your own spouse)" it's clearly a lie when a quick google search can debunk it:
Sex was part of God's good creation (Genesis 1:31). Sex is designed to provide pleasure and satisfaction (Song of Songs 4:10). Men and women are both given the gift of being able to experience pleasure and delight within marriage. This enriches and deepens the love relationship between the couple.
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Just Miry
dunno ortodox ppl r crazy af
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