Jonah's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

About Me + Short DNI


Yo, I'm Jonah, but you can also call me Vin if you'd like. I'm a 21 year old gay man living in the Pacific Northwest.

I use he/him exclusively, so please don't refer to me using they/them.

I'm a mixed Latino. I'm Mexican/Salvadoran and natively fluent in both English and Spanish.

My MBTI is XSTP, meaning that I am directly in between both ISTP and ESTP.

I'm currently in a relationship with the love of my life, Adam!
He's my everything and I gush about him constantly, so you probably
shouldn't add me if that'd bother you for whatever reason. 


I've got a lot of health issues. both mental and physical. I mention this because I may post about these a lot, given that they affect my day-to-day life. I won't go into too much detail here, though, just the basics. 

I'm very autistic and technically "mid-functioning".

I am mentally ill. I won't be listing specific illnesses here, but I may mention them by name in blogs/bulletins occasionally.

I am also physically disabled. The statement above applies to this as well.

A Few Notes

 I have severe vision problems. Because of this, I will not add you if your profile contains major eyestrain or is unreadable. There is a balance between aesthetic and accessibility, I promise you. Please make your shit readable.

 Given that I'm 21, I'd prefer not to interact with anyone under the age of 18. If you want to reply to a comment of mine or something that's fine but please don't try adding me.

● I will not interact with posts about drugs/alcohol or add anyone who actively talks about either, especially weed. (Ironic, I know.)

● I don't use tone tags and I don't want them used on me. If I need clarification, I'll just ask, and I expect you to do the same.

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