Elementary school (storytelling yes it really happened)

I was in 4th grade when this happened we were in last-period science class I was back of the line even though I was the 6th shortest in the class no one really liked me in the school I was new and they thought I looked weird or ugly Especially the group of students I was seated. Two people will mess with me one of them was a girl. We will call her Trina when the teacher tells her to pass the paperwork to our tablet she will deadass take her sweet ass time giving me a piece of paper and make me get up from my seat and Snatch it out of her hands which was very hard since she was around 5’9-6ft tall and am around 5’0ft I think. But my shoes will add about 2-3 inches to make me a little bit taller than I was. She was very rude to me but the rudest and weirdest of the group was this kid Aiden ( this name is common so I don’t think you will know who this is) he was very weird and rude to me, he will hit me and hurt me a lot but I didn’t know it was going to get worse… on the end of science class we were leaving to go home again I was in the back of the line while I was standing I felt something or someone touching my ass I thought it was the. End of the whiteboard since the whiteboard was like a painting canvas stand and the whiteboard was just sitting there if you understand what I mean I moved a little up since it just felt weird. while  I was moving up not even a second later I still felt something touching my ass! So I looked and saw Adain and I thought it was his lunch bag that was touching me by accident. So I moved up a little bit when I did that I didn’t feel anything touch me so I was correct I thought but I was heavenly WRONG! when we were moving to the staircase I still felt it and his lunch bag wasn’t there it was in his other hand so he was touching my ass and I was too scared to tell anyone and too scared to even tell him to stop… this will happened for about 2-3 weeks sometimes he will be very nice to me but very rare. Like sometimes he would give me a juice box  but then he would hit me again.. or when I was doing the stretches in dance class he would look at me very weirdly and say “Why are you stretching like that?” I will be very confused since am doing what the teacher told me to do and it didn’t help that I was kinda flexible either.. it was worse when I got close to male friends that he didn’t talk to. He would be mad at me and start yelling at me… One time I was laying on my friend since I wasn’t feeling too well and my friend told me I could lay on him he didn’t mind but Aidan got so mad and pushed my head onto his lap I was so tired and weak that I just couldn’t get up until the teacher told us that we can go home I was so happy. There was another guy he just didn’t like but he couldn’t do much about him because One: he was one of my guy friends he didn’t like too much his name was also Aiden but we will call him “P”  he only came to school because of me and my other friend he didn’t like our school he only stays because of me… he gave me food even though I didn’t like that type of rice crispy treat but I still ate and never told him I didn’t like it since he gave it to me and I felt so touched that he even thought about me. Two: he was stronger than him even though “p” looks very weak he is very strong Shockley lol so Adain couldn’t do much about that and third: in his eyes, he wasn’t a threat since he barely came to school BUT I won’t lie “p” was my first ever crush he will help me with my math work and when our friend left because of Circumstances he was their for me every step of the way. I never told anyone from my school about this incident I had many others and I will tell you all about it next time but this was one of the scariest moments of elementary school for me I did feel like if I wasn’t in a Neighborhood that everyone knows each other or everyone saw where everyone lives I think I would’ve gotten rape or worse I was really scared of my life…

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