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Category: Blogging


guys i thought my computer was shit turns out im just an idiot woohoo

genshin said its gonna 82 hours to download should i just kill myself while i wait. mmm shrimp chips.

i been hyperfixating so hard i keep  thinking i see pezzy in the halls and hearing bigt in my english class. my friend keeps trying to write homophobic things on here but i wont let him bc im a totally great nice good person who is def not mean like that. also i like boys i looove men.

theres faggpts im ,my wa;;s amd tjey have veryn louf hay sec 

sorry my friend wrote that im being fr

hes pissing me off so much im going to hit him with a car. im goiing to boil him in a big pot over a valcano and then drop him in there 

im mad

2 Kudos


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