franz's profile picture

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Category: Life

let's get one thing straight:

lesbians can choose to call themselves boyfriend.

let me explain:
in the context of same-sex relationships, an individual might choose to call themselves "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" based on personal preference, whether it's for comfort, or to adopt a language that is commonly understood in a heteronormative scenario. it's important to respect individual choices made by queer people and the language they choose to describe their relationship!
language is a personal and cultural expression, and as societal norms change, so do labels! it's always important to be open-minded about subjects like these, since it's been debated quite often in queer spaces.

this is just my view, let me know what you think!

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Rin_128's profile picture

yeah but i hope they won't be offended if a new person meet them and mistook them as the wrong label

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true lmao, especially if it's a butch calling themselves "boyfriend"!

by franz; ; Report

huhu sorry im not updated but what is butch? the problem actual is that a lot get offended easily if people mistook them even though it's just first time meeting

by Rin_128; ; Report

yea i get what u mean!! butch is a lesbian who chooses to act & dress masculine btw :^]

by franz; ; Report

i think they're cool and thankfully i have not meet anyone from the lgbt who are selfish yet. The lgbt i know was actually very funny and kind, like they don't force themselves to be "biologically the sex they want to be"

by Rin_128; ; Report


franz's profile picture

felt the need to speak up about this subject since i'm a butch lesbian who constantly uses masc pronouns and calls himself "guy" lmao

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