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Category: Life

why i dont support anything else than lgbt

so.. i heard ppl ask me this and i just wanna say i dont care what people are but i dont want any people around me that use neopronounces, they/them pronouns only, or any kind of bs, this is gonna sound extremely rude, but first of all i dont understand every gender and sexuality, 

but for neopronounces people use ridiculous terms like kitty/kittyself, which i think is just a joke, ofc not everyone, but why whould you wanna be a toast? i know its prob just online term, but still, u can be urself! and how can u feel like something that doesnt exist? or isnt scientifically proven to be? for they/them prnouns, i need to explain it to yall as a joke:

"did you saw they at the store today?"

"who's they?"


"WHOS THEY?????"

(i know yall have names but yall are calling yourself non-genderless, which is impossible) i think everyone should know they are always gonna have female or male features like they cant erase that

 and also thing that bugs me, is that some people get angry when strangers call them "she" or "he" 


now for poly people, i think its the same as threesome, yall just switched lust with love, i dont know whats the deal with this, as in fact i think its abnormal for a human being to love multiple people, just why? i just think there should be only one person in your heart, not multiple, especially more than 2, i think what yall are looking for is 20 chidlren that are all gonna be diffrent genes ☠️


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i think poly is because you can't choose so you just do multitask while the one who use pronouns that are super weird that doesn't make sense just find a way to satisfy their self. I think it's easier to use he/she than they etc if it's just singular person because their might be misunderstanding but we should still respect them if they really don't want to be called like that, they could never be male/female if they desire to be the opposite sex but they can act like one and still respect it. I hope someone who disagree to this can also share their opinion (this comment isn't for offensive purpose;)

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anyways sorry if there's any wrong spellings or grammar im still improving my English lol

by Rin_128; ; Report


by Mayka33; ; Report

im shock it's been 3 hours and this blog still doesn't get some hate comments lol

by Rin_128; ; Report

cuz i deletwd it LMFAOOO, it didnt make no sense either

by Mayka33; ; Report

what did they said?just don't delete it because it will be useless, let them be

by Rin_128; ; Report