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Category: Writing and Poetry


My chest bound and dead while it pains to breath freely but I pain to be changed into what I wish as I look up at the stars.

Oh to be a star no brain to tell it to be something more as it changes from day to day. As the star burns in the sky would it be able to breath if it wasn't happy.

Would it be able to live with its mother crying from the change, or its father screaming to be ONE thing, its siblings confused on if this was in the universes plan for the little star.

So maybe not a star but a flower in the field, Oh to be a flower in the field as I take in the sun and look around at the bugs crawling to get the food for its family.

Family something the flower has as well would it be able to grow when the sun wont look at it anymore, or when the rain won't pour because its green now, or its bug friends not visiting anymore because of its pungent smell.

Maybe its best to be nothing just a void in the darkness where you can be anything and nothing all at once that would be nice but sadly I am only human laying in bed being reminded of the terrible body I live in.

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