SOOOOOOOOOO on friday the 15th I had a sercet santa thing for a club im in and i get this person $4 gloves and they give me a whole ass vinyl, but the thing is that i already have the one they gave which was Rust in Peace :]
I get home and i think it was an hour later that my mom grabs a package and I thought it was a different vinyl we had ordered....tell me why its Up Your Ally by Joan Jett like wtf AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Anyways the next day the vinyl I ordered came which was Rumors by Fleetwood Mac the bass in these song fr shakes my heart when i listened to it on was so fucking great.
if you want to see pics/video of the vinyls my insta is @g0r3ywh0re
ima post the pics of the 2 vinyls later when i have the chance :D
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I checked it out, cool vinyl collection! I just started collection Vinyl I have like 60 CDs though lol
dam, my dad has like hella CDs lol
by G0r3yWh0r3:P; ; Report
Same with mine XD he has 2 suitcases and a whole ass bag of just old music CDs lol. What genres is he into, or is it the same as you?
by jPod_JiXon; ; Report
Its the same music as i listen too, like 90% of the music i listen is what my dad hears :DD
by G0r3yWh0r3:P; ; Report