Pumpkin pi3!!'s profile picture

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Category: Games


I wont lie this is me just confused about things. With the power of Autism i will switch interests alot some stick while others dont, of which means ive been in tons of fandoms. every community is different but there is alot of the same. im bored so im gonna go over MY experiences in a few fandoms and confusing things about them

Im gonna start off with mortal kombat because thats my current hyperfixion :).

MKs fandom is surprisingly small??? not many players interact with eachother outside of calling the slurs through the in game VC. Its weirdly hard to find fellow players on most sites like this, though thats likely because the player base is most 20+ year old cishet men, which is SAD. where are they girls and the gays when i need them?? The entire game is big burly men getting beat up and Hot strong women, youd think we'd be more appreciative. Its such a small fandom for how much content there is. I will NOT get into the sexualization because thats an entire rant and a half


A fucking mega fandom, everything and anything has happened in this hell hole. the most i will say for it is Sakura isnt weak, and could solo goku if she tried. 


Its also a huge fandom! but its alot more laid back from my experience, drama and weirdos sure. ive been at the brunt of it myself but most of the people here are autistic and very cool. love the bitches there you guys are super duper cool (I stand by my claim that Miguel shouldnt be redeemed and should realize his mistakes without the chance to fix them)

Thats mostly it tbh, If you wanna start and argument about anything just know im laughing at you while engaging in the same behavior. because god damnnit I am cringe but by gods fucking will i am free

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Damien☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆

Damien☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆'s profile picture

I love your autism swag

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by Pumpkin pi3!!; ; Report