
Smiling as she held his hand, he couldn't stop himself from smiling back, he knew it was wrong his mind was telling him to run, leave her, let go of her but he stayed despite himself

She tugged on his arm as they walked making him follow her around, he wanted to tug that stray her behind her ear but he didn't, he forced himself not to reach out afraid that if he did, it would be harder for him to let go of her so he doesn't; He forces himself to let his hands stay at his side, it takes him a moment to realize she's started talking "-ember you saying you loved the moon, and fortunately this is close to the school so I can take you here any time we have an event that lasts long enough for the moon to come out" She said as she leads them to the edge of the building he nodded at her and smiled

"You remember?"

"Of course, I'd remember," she said and he felt his throat go dry and butterflies fly on his stomach

The wind rushed past them blowing their hair away, He stared at her as the moon illuminated her face 'Beautiful' he thought, and for the first time that night he allowed his thoughts to be of her, he allowed himself to drift closer gently squeezing her hand forgetting for a second he was holding hers

"Should we use our phone's flashlight-"

"No! I uh I mean no sorry for shouting" he said as he looked away embarrassed, he heard her chuckle and gently tugged at him so to sit down next to her

"It's fine my dear," she said, he sat down 'there she went again' and he covered his face with his hands as he heard her laugh "Hh you know how flustered that makes me," he said and looked up at the moon and for the second time that night he thought 'beautiful' the wind rushes to them once again he lets his eyes drift to her to find her already looking at him, his eyes widen as he looks away immediately

"Calix-" but before she could say something her phone rang, she looked at him apologetically and let go of his hand, for the first time that night he felt cold, bareā€”he felt alone

he looked at her back as she talked with whoever it was on her phone, a small smile on his face he looked back at the moon as the second time that night he let his thoughts be of her 'In another life we would be holding hands out in public' 'in another life we'd be going out on dates' 'In another life we would be going to each other houses studying' 'In another life I'd let myself reach out to her' 'in another life I'd look at her and tell her she's beautiful' 'In another life I'd stay with her'

He looked back to her letting the thoughts simmer in his mind and he smiled softly as she turned to him with a smile 'In another life I'll love her'

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