Overwhelming, was what I felt when I first looked at the ocean
how can something be so vast so scary and yet be the most beautiful thing to exist
I'd watch the way the waves hit the shore the blues mixing with the light brown of the sand as it goes away
And every time the water comes back bringing something with it
I find myself wondering where they come from
All the same, I can never take my eyes off it
Breathtakingly beautiful.
Overwhelming—that's how it has always been with the ocean
To let yourself be pulled by the waves and let the water envelop you
not drowning but simply being there the weight of the water—keeping you in place
To open your eyes and be greeted with the blues of the water and the light of the sky
To not feel overwhelmed underneath it and be able to let the water give you a place
And yet without fail the water always returns you to shore
returns you and makes you feel bare above water
No weight to keep you in place
No wave to guide you
Nowhere to stay
My Ocean
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