There Is No God

Was it you that left me like this

Left me to burn?

Still I am without an answer

My voice echoes throughout the empty cathedral

Though I am not sure it is my own. 

Through the stained glass I can see the world

Green, beautiful, undisturbed

I resent the world for all it is. 

But still I crawl to the old stained glass windows

Begging, screaming, pleading until my vocal cords tear under the stress

Until I begin to cough up blood 

To free me from my smoldering fate 

Still, the glass does not yield; does not shatter, despite my tortured cries 

My unrelenting fury

The banging of my fists; the scratching of my brittle nails

I silently weep, the carnivorous blaze eating at my flesh

My vitals suppressed to a halt

“How long has it been?”

“Do I want this?”

And the world goes completely still,

As my kindling is snuffed,

Leaving no recollection of the glow.

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