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Category: SpaceHey

why is it so hard to be kind?

the amount of blogs i see complaining about little kids trying to “appropriate scene culture” and “faking mental illnesses” to try and copy what they had back in the early 2000’s is insane. like, shut the fuck up! who cares! they’re little kids having fun on the internet! i obviously don’t agree with 13 year olds having full access to the internet with no supervision, but it’s not like you guys are making this any more of a safe space?

oh my god and don’t get me started on the mfs who think they’re better than everyone because they were on spacehey in 2021. so was i, it’s literally the exact same, you just need something to complain about. 

the amount of slurs you guys say on the daily is crazy too. is it that hard to go 1 second without calling someone the f-slur or r-slur? and no, i don’t give a fuck if you were raised on 4chan and have thick skin. you’re not an edgelord, you’re annoying. it’s not illegal for people to want a safespace.

guess what! see someone annoying? block them!! they’re having fun! they’re living their life!! like oh my god WHO CARES. therians, furries, neopronoun users, who gives a shit. these people are happy and i think it would seriously benefit you if you learned to just stop caring and be kind to others like a normal human being (or non human being).

spread positivity!! fuck the racists, homophobes, transphobes, whoever the hell else hates you, live your best life. if it doesn’t affect anyone else, do it. use the block and report button, they’re there for a reason.

also, stay safe on the internet, friend the right people and make sure to go outside every once in a while if you can.

17 Kudos


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xalli's profile picture

yes !! totally agree... idk how they think they're making things better

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