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WWI, part 1; 1870s-1913

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hi im steph, a history nerd

we're gonna do ww1 ^^ (part; 1870s to 1913), precursors to the Great War

tell me if there's anything wrong, or you can ask questions, you can say thanks if you want ^^

you may know about world war 1

the war that changed the world in which it showed massive amounts of changes, weaponry, society and the fall and rises of certain powers

let's go back to the 1870s

there exist a country called the North German Confederation, with the head of Otto von Bismarck, he wants to create a unified German state, beforehand though, he wants to defeat France to do it, he unites with other German states in the South and goes to war with the French,

they win and create the German Emoire, while occupying Northeast France until another year

in the south across Switzerland, here we have the Italian states, at this time, they've almost united/have united, though they war with the Austrian Empire

they win and annex South Tyrol

some years later, the Austrian Empire and Translethania/Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen unite, creating Austria Hungary, officially the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Dual Monarchy

afterwards, the European powers in later 1800s/1880s decided to Scramble for Africa

around this and the earlier events, after unifications, Austria, Germany and Italy create an alliance called the Central Powers

in reaction, the United Kingdom, France and the Russian Empire form an alliance called the Entente

After the scramble, Germany obtains African colonies such as, Togoland, Southwest Africa and East Africa

its the early 1900s and, Nationalism arises, the powers of Europe engages in an Arms Race, everything's at tension, nations don't like eachother and want to war, though they need a powderkeg..

turn to the Ottomans or the Turkish Empire, they're the old man of Europe  

pair them with the Kingdom of Italy and..

War! Italy wants to war with Ottomans over Lybia, they refuse to cede the territory and there they are,

Italy wins and annexes Lybia 

Italy also wars against the Ethiopians but lose due to poor technology and British aid

Ethiopia is the only country that survived from European Colonialism 

there's a scandal in Europe and its 1908! during that time the Ottomans were warring with the Italians, while at that time, the Austro-Hungarians annex Bosnia, which makes the people there mad

it's 1912 and let's look at the Balkans, oh boy the Christian nations of the Balkans, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia and Montenegro don't like their Muslim rulers and create the Balkan League (cool name tbh)

They war against the Ottomans with Russia as their supporter, they win and

Bulgaria has Thrace and a part of Macedonia 

Greece gets their northern borders

Serbia expands into Macedonia 

Montenegro acquires territory near them

Albania becomes independent too

20km before Istanbul before they surrendered

it's 1913, Bulgarias unhappy and their neighbours aren't very pleased with their Bulgarian neighbours 

they war against them including Romania, this fuels anger against Romania and Serbia..

done, part 2 tomorrow or whatever ^^

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Armstrong 's profile picture

Very interesting - Arte Johnson
Aside from that, pretty impressive kamerad

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omniscientOverlady's profile picture

History bufffff

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odoffperkz's profile picture

dope read man

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