TOBBY/RORY's profile picture

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Category: Life

finally posting woah

idk why i've waited this long to do this, but family is here and i'm bored out my mind while i hide in our room so!

just watching our partner system play some weird grim reaper dating game rn, its cold as balls in here, and i'm buried in plushies. also trying to figure out how i can bake some cookies and send them to our friends... if anyone has tips for that, please let me know. kinda brainstorming a fic to write too but idk if i'll get around to that for a bit.

went to the mall yesterday though, got a bunch of gifts for my sysmates and a hannibal lecter (silence of the lambs version) figure and some fishnets for myself. got a miku figure for lemon (16th anniversary fig, the one with the blue sweater vest,) and a kuromi plush for him, a hyena plush for lich, a skeleanimal for one of our littles, and a bunch of other shit- those are just the cool ones lol.

sorry this is so short, hopefully i can write more later, but this website's lack of a dark mode hurts my eyes super bad (my sys has some issues w light sensitivity </3)

- tobby <3

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