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Internalized Misandry in Rape Culture and Common Misconceptions

(I'm not a bot. These just needs to be said more.) 

We all can agree that female victims of men deserve all the support and help they can get. Why is it different when it comes to male victims of female predators? Why is it so glorified? 

People don't take you serious when you tell them you, a man, were assaulted by a woman. I've seen this shit happen way too many times and even worse, some people can't even process this information and most don't even know how that can be real. Why the fuck is that? Isn't definition of sexual assault is literally being forced into doing things you don't want to? Why can't a woman do the same to a male person?

Here is a small collection of all the comments I've seen/heard about male victims of rape + their basic explanations coming from me:

  • "Men are stronger than women" :

—Not necessarily. Physically weak men do exist. Strong/muscular women exist. You can't generalize a whole gender based on graphics.

—Spiking is a thing. No matter how strong, hos muscular, how bulked up you are; you're no stronger than a heavy drug in your drink.

—Emotional manipulation is more serious and effective than these one way road brained people think. It's not rocket science to manipulate someone into having sex with you. 

—Threats and blackmailing. It's more common than you'd think.

  • "Just beat her up." :

—Again, not every man has muscle power of a horse and not all women are skinny weaklings.

—Not everyone is prone to violence, even if it means they'll get hurt in the end. Some men also might not wanna punch a woman no matter what. 

—In some cases, victim becomes the predator. Bruises and injuries can be scanned and the actual predator may use this for personal gain to paint the victim as the monster in situation.

  • "It's impossible because rape means penetrating someone."

—Here is the official explanation of rape : "Rape is forced sexual intercourse including vaginal, anal or oral penetration. Penetration may be by a body part of an object." It doesn't necessarily mean getting penetrated. It can also mean being forced to penetrate someone.

—I hate the fact I have to write this but d!ldos, straps, fingers or even hell, any object with the same shape exists. The monster doesn't need a dick of their own to hurt someone.

—A side note, sexual assault (not rape) may not involve penetration at all.

  • "He's lucky, we can't even get chicks." :

—The sexualizing of assault is so heavy on this one. Rape is "unwanted" sexual intercourse. You wanting it doesn't make it assault and you're reading the lines so wrong; so, so wrong.

—I feel like we do a little projecting here. Maybe the reason you don't get any women is because, surprise, you make comments like this? I know, a crazy conception.

  • "Women can't be rapists because they're the victim." :

—Yet another generalization. Women making up the majority of SA victims doesn't erase the existence of male victims.

—This kind of comments are usually come from extremist/radical "feminists". Note how the word feminist is in brackets.

  • "How the tables turned / now it's their time to understand." :

—Most disgusting, most twisted comment under a video I've ever seen. Wishing lifelong SA trauma on an individual for the sake of proving a point is beyond illness. Not all men are automatically misogynistic creepy predators who deserve to be assaulted, I don't even know how one could come to this conclusion.

—Also used by misandrist women.

And worst of worst...did you know most of these comments do belong to other men. Same men that will whine and cry under female victims' posts "how about men? How about us men?". These guys use violence against men as a weapon to invalidate female victims. They don't actually care about male victims. 

Men with internalized misandry and extremist/radical "feminists" don't give a shit about us. We're just a tool, a weapon for these people to use against others in an argument. Can't you see how fucked up that is? Being used twice against your will. Can you?

Thank you from the depth of my heart if you managed to give me your valuable time and read everything. It means a lot to me.

—End of the post.

7 Kudos


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PukeUrGutz0ut's profile picture

OH MY GOD YES THANK YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT THIS! Sexual assault and rape against men is rarely ever talked about and it's horrible, the amount of just misandrist women alone I've seen is absolutely disgusting. Thank you so much for making a post about this, I'm a huge supporter of men's mental health and rights and it's nice finally see somebody talk about this issue. SA and rape aren't things that only happen to women and more people need to realize that

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MetalHeart's profile picture

"How the tables turned / now it's their time to understand." is so fucked up who in the right mind says that

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