ruby's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

survey :D

Name: ruby

Nickname: rubester, ruby doo

How old are you: sixteen 

Zodiac sign: sagittarius

Current location: my whimsical brain palace

Eye color: blue

Hair color: brown (need to redye my hair black)

Hair type: wavy

Height: 5'6

Your heritage: french and probably like irish and scottish idk

What's your middle name: ramona

Shoe's you wore today: none

Your weakness: being too emotional 

Your fear: nothing im fearless (im lying)

Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: no

Do you want to: its my destiny

Goal you would like to achieve this year: to stop being a bitch all the time

First thought when you wake up: "god my fucking back is killing me"

Best physical feature: id like to think my lips are nice

Who is your bestest friend(s):  karla my one and only <333

When is your bedtime: whenever i feel like it my sleep schedule is garbage

Your most cherished memory: idk man

Pepsi or coke: neither theyre both dogshit

McDondalds or Burger King: mcdonalds simply for THEIR fruitopia

Single or Group dates: single please pay attention to me at all times

What is the last song you sang: crazy beautiful life by kesha

Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: oh my god yes 

What is your biggest pet peeve: everything im in a pure state of anger at all times

Do you drink: rarely

Ever been drunk: a little yeah

Do you smoke: no 

Do you "SMOKE": no

Do you sing: i do but its actaully so bad dont even

What color underwear:pink

Do you want to go to college: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Have you ever been in love: yep

Do you want to get married: like yes but also no but also yes

Do you believe in yourself: meh

Do you believe in others: yeah

Do you like thunderstorms: theyre pretty

Do you play an instrument: no :((((

What do you want to be when you grow up: a trophy wife or milf either is fine

What country would you like to visit: i wanna go everywhere

how many CD's do you own: too many to count probably over 100

How many DVD's do you own: same thing like i have way too many

How many tattoos do you have: none (i have 2 failed stick and poke scars)

How many piercings do you have: 3 (septum, eyebrow, and earlobes)  also had a belly button piercing but it rejected

How many things in the past do you regret: alot idk


Shoes: converse (hightops especially)

Radio Station: 2000s duh 

Drink: water and fruitopia

Car: the elvira car

Place: idk i love my bed

Song: i have too many

Movie: jennifers body forever

Color: hot pink duhhh

Meal: cereal


Favorite Eye Color: brown

Favorite Hair Color: black

Short or Long hair: i like any

Height: no comment

Body Type: dont care

Does Ethnicity Matter: no


Tattoos: ill eat you whole please


What is today's date: dec 15th 2023

What time is it: 11:16pm

Who are you thinking of: no comment

What are you listening to: scene girlz by brokencyde

Do you know where your mechanical bull is: in my magical garden

0 Kudos


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