Rave baby here

I'm moving back down to Florida soon n I NEED to start going to raves? And elder ravers w advicešŸ„°

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LOTUS_START's profile picture

i'm new but i can also pass stuff i know from elder raves.

go with a buddy, make sure you have a designated meeting spot outside of the rave. dont forget to drink water!!! leave ur bags outside in a safe space, your stuff will Not Survive. best to have a small phone in ur pocket that is durable and wont get crushed if pics r ur thing. do not take drinks from ppl u dont know, keep an eye on ur drink and ask ur friend to watch it if u go out

as for the raving itself, don't worry if ur not able to join the dance circle all the time! sometimes just standing and vibing to the music w pals is good too so you can have energy to go into the pit again. when someone falls, PICK THEM UP. and if anyone touches you weirdly, smack their face ASAP and rat them out to others. Do Not Hesitate.

as for finding raves, try looking online for local festivals, ask around friends for parties, etc. etc. i found my first rave at an anime con out of all places and it was really funnnn

all in all, be safe and look out for other ravers :)

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Anime con raves hit different. Same thing happened to me. It's a gateway drug

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