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Category: Life

fri dec 15th

im way more than fucking ESTATIC like holy shit i just got out of this little slump where i wasnt doing my schoolwork or taking care of myself or cleaning or talking to my friends but its been going away and i feel like im the happiest guy fuckin alive

my stepbro is getting me and my siblings gifts for christmas and he always does the best gifts this time of year and there is a HUGE chance hes getting me a my little pony hoodie and a vinyl doctor hooves figures WHICH???? HOLY SHIT ive wanted one for fucking ever so that's goddamn awesome. and my moirail is possibly getting me a sweet bro and hella jeff shirt and a project sekai wonderxshowtime hatsune miku figure !!!!!!!

im broke for like. the rest of the month because of the advancement I took off my paycheck to do my christmas shopping AND i got my quadrantmates a bunch of stuff relating to their interests that im praying they like (jam = pretty precure/sonic/mlp, egbert = madcom/homestuck/familyguy, fef = mlp/sharks/homestuck) blblb i love them all so much 

AND MY SIBLINGS. WHOLE bunch of shit for them too. im like motjerfucking santa himself up in here.

i smoked today which was. wowoie that was not fun it was one of my first time with cigs and it was not at all smooth like my bud amd shit is so i ended up coughing my lungs up after i finished and kept getting smoke in my nose and eyes which burned. 1/10 would not reccomend

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