Dumb essay number two

In the poem fire and Ice by robert frost, the author says I the world will end in fire or ice. In this poem he uses many poetic devices. Heisas Imagery, connotation, and figorative tanguage to get a message acoss fo

¿ the readers.


Robert frost uses imagery in the poem fireand Ile.


He uses elements such as fire and Ice as symbols, I He uses them as symbols describing how the world

¿may or may not end.

The poem is written to show how the author believes [the coord will end. The tire is a symbol for burning desires, i Ice for cold hatred. Robert frost suggests the forces of hate and desire, shown as fire and Ice will lead I to destruction. The poem works through the opposites fire and Ice as love and hate.


In the poem fire and ice Probert frost uses figurathe language. He uses personification and metaphors. He uses personification wuhen giving fire and Ice human qualities. Throughout the poem he gives them the ability and mind to destroy anything. He uses the metaphor that the world will end in fire or Ice He Says this as though.

Humans will end their own face.

The poem illustrates how humans desire, lust, and passion will lead us to harm ourselves, how hatred and lack of Sympathetic judgement will make us hate cachother.

In conclusion, the poem fire and Ice by Robert Frost, the author uses multiple poetic devices. Frost uses metaphors and personifacation to get a message across to the readers. He uses fire and Ice as symbols of hate and desire. These symbol's show how he believes humans will be the end of eachother

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