Y0. I'm Dav3 w311 I'm m0r3 1ik3 thiz zk313t0n dud3 0v3r h3r3 that I 1iv3 with than myz31f. But that'z a diff3r3nt zt0ry f0r an0th3r b10g f0r 1at3r... mayb3.
Anywayz I g0 by h3/him pr0n0unz.
If y'a11 ar3 why my typ3 zc3n3 kid, it'z b3cuaz3 thiz iz h0w I z0und 1ik3 b3y0nd th3 zcr33n. S0 y3ah. It'z fun. Idk h0w t0 zt0p it. I b33n z0 10ng that I kinda f0rg0t h0w t0 zp33k n0rma11y.
S0 that iz m3. I'11 try t0 b10gz az much az I can. S0 y3ah.
Edit: A1m0zt f0rg0t my p3zt3rchum iz turnt3chG1itchzku11 but n0rma1 typ3d.
-ztrid3r zigning 0ut
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