
Haaaiiii!! Mi name is Gutz, but u allz can call me L3v! 1'm zo happy to finally meet you allz! Herez some info abt me :3!!

1: i don pozt a lotz, zo dont exxpext a lottz of blog updatez

2: i may b in zome t0xic fandomz, but i h8 them juzt mz much as u do! (like MHA and TADC)

3: zome of my text zpeech iz a little w3irrd, zo i migt not uze it az much az i am, lolz

4: im texnixally firteen, butz im turning 14 in 4 monthz, zo i can zay im 14

5: ifz any1 wantz 2 chat, ill do it! juzzt comment someting, and i might reply! ^w^

and finallyz!

ifz any1 haz any ?s abt me, i can answer!

cyaa!!! :3
















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