I haven’t made a blog post in a WHILE lol so now is the bEST time to ramble abt random shid dat happenz in my life xP!!!
I feel like i should put a warning cus of how messy this shid is lol o_O
I’ve been playing Legends of Equestria n I LUV it sm >_<!!!! I’m surprised it runs smoothly on my laptop which madez me even happier!!! The controlz r so hard 4 me 2 grasp cus im literally dumb BUT IM GETTING THERE :D!!!!
MY BIRTHDAY IS ON NEXT WEEK TUESDAY n my mom said i could buy clothes then which made me REALLY happy since I remember seeing dis 1 belt that I LOVED SM and i wanted it but my friend looked @ me weird when I said i wanted it so I couldn’t get it :P!!! BUT I CAN NOW :D!!!!
Im goin out with my friendz tmrw to the mall and im happy i get 2 see them again since i missed them a lot xP!!!
I’ve been thinking abt starting a yt channel for YEARZ now n i literally have a video i edited n I LUV SM n da amount of shid sayin “if u wanna start a yt channel, just do it. Fuck all the judgmental ppl n do what u want😛” iz actually CRAZy!! Itz like a sign or some shid lol. I WOULD do it but im scared I’ll be put in a cringe comp or something lol @.@! Ik I’ll probably do it sometiem soon cus I REALLY wanna do it n i liek editing videos for yt n MAYBE see if it’ll take off n ill be famous lol (i dont wanna be famous😭)
I went 2 my dad’s house last Friday til Sunday cus dees guys my mom hired were doin shit to my room and whatnot. Although i dislike da fact that i didnt get 2 decorate my OWN room, im happy i get to decorate my room in my dad’s house :D!!!! It’s SUCH a nice room and i know i could do A LOT with it. I HAVE 2 change da mattress cus it felt liek i was sleepin on a BRICK😭
Im REALLY excited for it n i cant wait to get da chance 2 decorate it. Im plotting and skeeming on Pinterest with dis 1 board i made and AAAH idk what aesthetic i want mah room 2 be. It’z whatever since itz not like i have a buncha band posters i can put up on mah wall, I COULD BUY THEM DOW!!! Idk what ima do 2 dat room bUT IK IMA HAVE A LOOOT of plushiez cus i love dem sm :3!!!!
I got back into playin animal crossing again and I ADDED APOLLO 2 my island and i love him sm :D!!! I also added Marina n Octavian which iz pretty cool!!!
I’ve been rlly happy recently which’s GREAT 4 ME ig lol :D!!!
Oki, i dont think i have anything else 2 say!! Thx 4 readin all of dat messy shid lol @_@!! Hope u have a gud day :D!!!
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