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Category: Music

Should I litsen to metal/rock?

Hi levi here!!

I've heard a few snippets of metal/rock songs and they sound kinda good, so metalheads, should i litsen to stuff like that? I sort of wanna expand my music taste more!! :3

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aiden's profile picture

if you want some reccomendations a good place to start is thrash metal which is some of the metal you might hear most
thrash band reccs: metallica, megadeth, slayer, gwar (i love gwar if you ever get into them watch some of the concerts they're so cool imo)
another type of metal you'll hear a lot is nu metal i really like nu metal and a lot of it is from the early 90's
nu metal band reccs: korn, slipknot, limp bizkit (one of my favorite bands but a lot of people don't like it. it can also be considered rap metal, like rage against the machine, linkin park and a smaller band i like, silly goose)
but if you want something heavier i'd listen to death metal
death metal reccs: cannibal corpse (a lot of the song titles and lyrics really graphic so if that bothers you don't look at the lyrics or just don't listen to them ), dethklok (it's a fake, animated band from the show metalocalypse, it's really cool the plot is basically if a death metal band was as big as the beatles i really like it), death, dying fetus (some of the death metal band names and song titles are also kinda graphic but i think that's interesting)
but if you're looking for more rock and not as much metal here are some reccs you'll probably hear a lot about
kiss, mötley crüe, guns n roses, and metallica is also rock
there's a lot of genres of rock and metal so if you wanna check out more of them do your own research and look for playlists, artists, etc. cause the genres are really good, this was really long but i hope it helped in some way!!

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manofSteele's profile picture


Some recs:

Black Sabbath and Ozzy Ozbourne, this was the original heavy metal and it's aged way better than most of the metal from the 70s and 80s.

Ministry: SUPER influential industrial metal band (which is unfortunately a subgenre I see get slept on too much by metalheads) tha paved the way for EVERY industrial band in the 90s. Their album Psalm 69 is pure perfection.

Type O Negative: One of few Gothic Metal bands that seem actually inspired by Gothic Rock. Their albums Bloody Kisses and October Rust are my favorites, but you really can't go wrong with this group. Also their covers are great!!!!!

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Weirdtoshi's profile picture

definetly! can i give u some reccomendations?? :3

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by kittygutzzz; ; Report

well, to introduce you to the metal genre I would recommend starting with the most famous bands such as Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, Judas Priest etc...
songs that I recommend to get started are
Whiplash, Motorbreath, Creeping Death, Trapped Under Ice, Battery, Damage Inc, Blackened. all of these by metallica
songs by megadeth: Killing is my business..., Rattlehead, The Mechanix, Peace Sells, Devil Island, I Aint Superstitious, In My Darkest Hour, Tornado Of Souls, Rust in Peace Polaris
and finally pantera songs: Cowboys From Hell, Cemetery Gates, Domination, The Art Of Shredding, Mouth For War, A New Level, Walk, Im Broken, 5 Minutes Alone and Floods

Sorry if I got too excited with the recommendations but I couldn't choose just a few songs :/
but there you have songs for a while lol
Have Fun!

by Weirdtoshi; ; Report

₳†⅃ ⍲⟆ ∀₵ꙇ₫

₳†⅃ ⍲⟆  ∀₵ꙇ₫'s profile picture

YESS and if you need recs i got you

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alright give me some recommendations that would be nice :3

by kittygutzzz; ; Report

omd okay i really like oxymorrons, they incorporate rap into some of their songz 2, i really like black veil bridez some rlly good songz from them are god bless you, wake up, goodbye agony, and the shattered god; pop evil iz kewl my family luvvz them, early tokio hotel songs like schrei, on the edge, sonnensystem are awesome. if you want any more juzt ask whenever !! i might make a blog of it sometime

by ₳†⅃ ⍲⟆ ∀₵ꙇ₫; ; Report