gumball [remaking profile...'s profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

byf + dni (please read before adding)


- basic dni stuff (homophobic, transphobic, proshippers, etc)

- misogynistic

-  racist, sexist, ableist, discrimination, etc.

- Invalidates a person's pronouns, gender, or identity

- pedophiles, people who sexualize minors

- nsfw + gore accounts

(this will be updated periodically probably)


- im a minor

- im not a friend collector, i either friend/send requests to people who have my interests (im also too lazy to unfriend a lot of people) 

- i struggle talking to people sometimes

- i have trust issues 

- i use "dude" and "bro" gender neutrally

- ims closed since i get really nervous when people im me

- im not good at talking to people i just met

- my memory sucks so i may accidentally forget who you are if you change your pfp/username

- i use tone indicators

- im socially awkward

- i use emojis ironically

- i make terrible jokes 

if im friends with anyone problematic please let me know!!

19 Kudos


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