why big milkers is better on men

If you think about it women does nothing to get big milkers, and thats because its in their genetics. Men have to train and train and stay consistend to get big milkers. When women train their milkers ussualy get smaller, so its only fat bitches that has big milkers because they never do shit in their life. So thats why big milkers are better on men.

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meke⋆˚✿ :33

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U jus like men

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where is the problem?

by EbbeTheLonelyGuy; ; Report

There is none…but ur biased..

by meke⋆˚✿ :33; ; Report

nah i like both, men have better milkers and i have a girlfriend so my meaning i valid

by EbbeTheLonelyGuy; ; Report

That is still biased ..

by meke⋆˚✿ :33; ; Report