Ina's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

DNI (read carefully)

* People with webbed toes

* Favourite colour yellow

* Potato lovers

* Holographics


* Uncle Frank's anamalous toilet

* My unicorn ex-husband 

* Pro- spicy food people 

* Anti onion rings

* Ricephobics

* Redhairphobic

* John China

* Klaus Schwab

* Your mom

* Irelandphobic (much love to Ireland, I support them )

* Anti eurobeat / eurodance

* Bing Qi Ling haters

* Palm trees

4 Kudos


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bibi's profile picture

whats with the hate to spicy food?! >:(

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I can't digest spicy food. :(

by Ina; ; Report

aww that sucks, maybe they will make a cure!

by bibi; ; Report

A cure? :'D
No need. It's no illness. It's just my body telling me what it doesn't need.
Also, spicy food is not a thing around here so why even bother?

by Ina; ; Report

sorrysorry it was a joke lol

by bibi; ; Report

My bad. It's a bit hard to tell sometimes.
In compensation, I'll give you a piggie:

( ̄(∞) ̄) oink! oink! I'm pig!

by Ina; ; Report

aww cute piggie!! oink oink!

by bibi; ; Report