dog's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

Please read before you add me!

Before you add me:

- I am 18+; 21 years old (as of writing this) to be exact.

- FUB free (friend, unfriend, block); but if you unfriend/block due to something I have done, please message me first and let me know.

- I block liberally; I'm aware of how the internet works and personally find that DNIs don't particularly work to keep my experience online safe and/or pleasant. No hard feelings if I do.

- Racism/xenophobia, queerphobia (transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, panphobia, etc), proshipping/p-dophilia is not tolerated by me and will result in a immediate block.

- I am a host of a traumagenic system, which I won't talk about online, and I age with the body.

- I reclaim slurs used towards my respective communities (I'm asian, filipino-canadian to be exact, and unabashedly queer) and regularly use them for myself but will not use them with others unless given explicit permission to.

- I have some controversial interests, but I am critical of them and do not support highly problematic creators.

With that in mind, I hope you have a pleasant time on my page!

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