Fritoleg's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

I can’t stand “pretty” layouts.

Don’t get me wrong, they are interesting and certainly take a large amount of time and effort. Call me a gatekeeper, I just like tacky layouts more. Cohesive ones are so limiting, and they aren’t that fun! Not to mention, a lot of them aren’t self-customized. No shade to people using preset layouts, I totally understand and I use them for graphics sometimes, too. It’s just.. where’s the personality? No blinkies? Seriously? Buddy, where are your stamps!? :(

It’s so much fun to customize accounts. Please just try it.

6 Kudos


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GHOSTY !!'s profile picture

Do I have a pretty layout ?

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by Fritoleg; ; Report

Well better than completely 🧍

by GHOSTY !!; ; Report


roxy's profile picture

U GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love tacky tacky layouts love cluttered pages i love creativity!!!!!!!!i love seeing layouts that are just so out there and all over the place i love custom css

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U have what I consider is a pretty layout :)

by Fritoleg; ; Report

lol ik im like a neatfreak when it comes 2 my layout :P

by roxy; ; Report