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Road Ragers Suck

A couple of days ago I was driving myself and my spouse from point A to point B.

I'm taking neighborhood back roads so you aren't supposed to blitz through them like the world is ending. I'm driving safe.

I get to a red light and wait to make my left turn on green. This is an intersection and sometimes people drive straight through, so I am taking my time. Make sure nobody T Bones my car.

Once I make my turn, this enormous dark grey truck passes my right and honks at me. So I must be too slow for a toddler brain who doesn't practice patience. Whoop de doo. I am ready to move on and just get where I am going. I often mutter obscenity to myself, but what happens next...

My PASSENGER on the other hand decides that the truck honk was unnecessary and rude, and to retaliate by lowering their passenger window and flip the bird and shout out a big old Fuck You!

Baby. What the fuck?! 9 years and he's never gotten this immaturely mad on my behalf. And I find this outburst completely unnecessary and risky.

Does the truck deserve it? Yes. Was it a dumb move that could cause a much bigger scene? Absolutely. Is it worth it to take that risk? NO. I am not the type who fucks around to find out!! 

Truck brake checks me, begging for me to hit them. I swerve out fast and avoid a collision. Now I'm pissed.

This is Florida. People out here are literally insane. My city is a major murder capital of this state. What if I couldn't get out of the way in time? What if they drag us out of my car and beat the shit out of us? What if they have a gun?? Spouse says he isn't sorry because the truck deserves the insult. I'm trying to get him to see the bigger fucking picture here. He recklessly endangered us both.

Fast forward to this morning. I get in my car to drive us to work. Go to back out and my back window is busted. Big open spaces near the bottom that spiderwebbs upwards. We did not exit the car to inspect, we just assumed it was a branch, and attempted to make our 40 minute drive anyway because we were short on time.

The rest of the glass falls out on the big interstate Bridge.

Once I get home, I notice a hole in the dash that is right under that window. Looks exactly like a hammer hole. Branches don't fall straight down like hammers ya'll.

It's not unreasonable to think the Truck was behind me long enough to catch my plate. Or to simply follow me home. Those backroads are commonly used by folks who live in the connected neighborhoods .

I didn't get a good look at make model or tag because I focused on driving defensive and getting out of the escalation.

Spouse still won't apologize for their actions, which has now cost me $500 because insurance in FL doesn't cover back windows under any circumstances. Cant file police report because Police don't cover private expenses and I do not have any information on the truck, driver, or video evidence. I only have a solid hunch, and a hole in my car shaped like a hammer.

AITA for charging my spouse for the repairs and for security cameras to monitor my property?

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