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Category: Books and Stories

OC Lore- World Building

This might change, this is just what i have so far! :3 

didn’t proof read some of this so excuse the possible spelling mistakes

đŸȘWorld building

Planet name: Eidolon 

Districts: North, east, south, west

Population(before DGO) 244,094

Population(after DGO) 14,432

Religion: Evi, the god of life the cherished one

Each district consists of a village, each district has various reputations

North: “rich ppl”

South: “poor ppl”

east: mysterious land with no ppl

west: common folk 

North: People with higher levels of social status and more money live here, the people of the north don’t have necessarily a “bad” reputation. Nobody would consider them as “rich” but they do have a bit more coin than the average person and of course you’d be jealous of someone richer than you.

West: “Common folk” People of any type, nothing really special here, overall very casual, but calm place

south: most people feel bad for people in this district, this is an area with a dry land, most people living here don’t have a home. very few have a permit shelter. though this is a very packed tight community, everyone has each others backs

east: an extremely desolate and mysterious land, some refuse this districts entire existence, while others see it as a dangerous place to keep their children away from. nothing much is known about the eastern district. The land is completely locked off by mountains. A popular legend says that the god of death Lilith ascended there and that’s why it was abandoned!

After the Decent of the Great Ones AKA “The DGO Event”:

North+west: Consumed by Order

South: Consumed by Chaos

East: last remaining unconsumed place

(TGO) The Great Ones: Two powerful beings who name themselves as “The Great Ones of the Universe” They’re assumed to be the creators of the world as we know it. (the great ones turned out to be the gods they believed in (Evi and Lilith, just from another universe. The great ones are the cherished and the banished from another universe. the god of evil is banished in this current universe, Lilith rules over the eastern district, her physical body is with Evi (gayyyy!!!) 

TGO descended to Eidolon in search of two citizens to take the roles of “God/goddess of Chaos and Order”; someone to rule over Chaos and Order to prevent it from consuming the world. According to TGO the physical energies of Chaos and Order gained a consciousness and set out to consume the universe to achieve power, turning everything into their perspective energies.

after The DGO Event, Eidolon decended into chaos. it was Chaos and Order who first decended apon Eidolon, eating everything in its wake. Chaos landing in the southern district, before being stopped by TGO before it could devour the eastern district. Order landed in the northern district, consuming it, then consuming the western district. TGO decended and  got Order and Chaos back into their grasp, locking it within the planets inner layers. TGO turned the eastern district into their rule, ( Lilith dipped out of the eastern distric cus evi and her contacted their alternate universe selfs (TGOs) to “do the dirty work” they still watch over Eidolon. )as it was the only district they were able to save from being consumed.  Some people were able to escape to the only land that appeared “normal” to them, the eastern district. while other ppl who were unable to escape what seemed like a “magical natural disaster” were consumed.

Being “consumed” by Chaos; The land is injected with the energy of chaos, ranging from making objects float to changing the color of the sky. While the people are turned into “The Consumed” people who didn’t escape in time, turned into creatures of chaos, these creatures can look like anything from never thought of shapes to colors that don’t exist, they are pure chaos. 

Being “Consumed” by order; 

The land is injected with the energy of order. everything is turned into black and white and the land is completely flat and symmetrical: very uncanny and desolate.  The people who didn’t escape are turned into “The Consumed” creatures who are scarily lanky and tall, either completely white or black.

Chaos Consumed: It can either teleport, fly, or run at you at the speed of light. These creatures are pure chaos and are impossible to guess what their next moves are

Order Consumed: will chase you, eventually killing you, despite their various speeds, they’re impossible to outrun. nobody would dare to fight one anyways

East after the DGO Event: The eastern district is the one assumed place on the planet that hasn’t been consumed and is currently under rule by TGO.  TGO act less as a protecter and more like rulers to the people of Eidolon, and even going as far as completing experiments on citizens to test what the process of a human being consumed is underground,( lilith )though this is simply a rumor and there is very little evidence of this. Some people say TGO saved the people of Eidolon, and would go to extreme lengths to protect the planet and its people, while others follow a common prophecy that hints at TGO and Evi and Lilith being one in the same, but all people would never dare to speak against them due to fear of their power. Before the DGO event people had no clue what the eastern district even looked like, some people said it was a dangerous desert while others said it was impossible to breathe through snowy mountains. TGO were able to modify this district into that of what seemed a “kingdom” the people will never know what the eastern district looked like before the DGO event, TGO say the area was modified simply to fit their likings while others say the land was keeping the truth to everything and TGO just needed to hide it; another part of the common Prophecy.

The Rulers Gamble: TRG is TGOs challenge; a “randomly selected” 100 people, 2 would be turned into the God/goddess of Chaos and Order (to prevent it from consuming and blah blah blah) 

The 100 contestants would be put through a rigorous challenge where only two would survive, the two left would be suit for TGOs liking.

The contestants would be given weapons and would have to fight creatures of the consumed even if they had no proper training. They would also have to solve seemingly impossible puzzles to get to the last stage, TGOs throne, where the two remaining contestants would have their dna genetically modified to fit that of gods, having liquified energy of Chaos or Order injected into their veins, no human would be able to survive such an excruciating event so the estimated amount of each of the two contestants to die and having to be revived is 118 times. each of the two remaining contestants would die (around) 118 times during the process, and being revived right after, the DNA altering not stopping until it’s complete. This process takes (around)104 years to complete before the contestants are  gods and are able to rule and have control over Chaos or Order.

The two contestants chosen are Saturn;12 yr(she/her)and Venus; 13yr.(she/they) Saturn was the first to arrive to TGOs chamber, therefor her transformation process started first, but because of her willpower, she was able to finish her transformation a year earlier, before Venus. Saturn took 102 years for her  process, while Venus took 103.

In between all of these years, society lived without TGOs, TGOs traveled into the center of the planet where Chaos and Order were being kept. TGOs chamber was being left empty but guarded and taken care of every day for TGOs return.

During the beginning of the transformation processes of Saturn and Venus, TGO told the ppl they’re be back, but they didn’t know when or how long exactly the process would take, (estimated around 104 years) Saturn and Venus were kept in the chamber in separate rooms due to a prophecy stated by TGO that states that Chaos and Order shall never meet, or else the end of the world will arrive.

 Eventually, these two finish their transformations, Saturn finishing first. but i’ve yet to write what will happen after that đŸ§â€â™€ïž

3 Kudos


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nikko0's profile picture

got invested in it reall quick very nice

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ty ty!!

by lain; ; Report


VIX!'s profile picture

long ass world building

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tbh i might not be finished w/ it yet..
i think i might still need to add some current events cus most of this was hundreds of years ago :3

by lain; ; Report

add my god of death oc into the east place:p

by VIX!; ; Report

on it :3

by lain; ; Report