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Category: Blogging

Day 38 & 39 of Falling into The River In Lego City

Hai hello!!!! :]]] i did a lot this weekend. But also like. I feel like i didnt have a weekend. help

i feel like i should make a list of names of the people ive mentioned. bc the names must be hard to keep track of ;;

Ece - hardworking friend of 2-3 years :] recommended me intellectual books, busiest person i know

Bee - sweet tall friend of 2-3 years, the moment i see her i stick to her side like glue

Emma - Childhood friend since 3rd grade elementary. 10+ years, often drive places together :3

DAY 38!!!! :33 

[ Sleep Schedule || Previous Night ] -


[ Organization ] - 

I was awake for 1-2 hours before leaving home! No time to clean or do chores!

[ Socialization ] - 

I spent the night at Ece’s house, Emma, Bee, our mentor and our mentors kids were there too :3 dude they are the two cutest kids ever. More on them later I spent a lot of time with them today.

During the day, i spent it with my friends, we cooked, read books together, and just talked about stuff. :3 
Also while we were cooking, I noticed i DO have a good amount of cooking knowledge!  it just didn’t hit me i guess. I thought the amount of dishes and food knowledge i have was the bare minimum, and in all honesty i still think that? But my mentor praised my baking, i made carrot cake and me and ece made the main dish. My moms well known for her cooking, and my mentor somehow just trusts that ill be just as good. No woman i look up to should ever praise me, i get so giddy and i feel like ive won. I won. Its over, i can go home now and lay forever. 

I love our mentors’ kids because theyre so silly and we basically have watched them grow up these past 2 years :3 the younger one used to not even speak, now he blows kisses at me HE’S SO TINY DUDE HE’S JUST A LITTLE BOY. and his older sister is so sweet, she’s still very little!!! i was upstairs playing Ece’s guitar and just hungout with those two and ece’s younger sister (who’s my younger sisters’ best friend) for a few hours at night.

Anyways it was nice.

[ Art/Creative ] -

here, a doodle. 

[ School Work ] - NO MORE. IM FREE

[ Hydration ] - 

I find myself looking for water and choosing it over other drinks lately! So despite not having my water bottle, i still stayed hydrated!!!

[ Physical Activity] - 

Aahhhh no walk. ;;

[ Diet ] - 

I didnt have anything in the morning or afternoon since i woke up in the afternoon ^^;; and then we made dinner and had that together! And we also made tea and had some snacks with the tea…so not the healthiest but woops!

[ New Information/Something New ] -

OKAY THIS IS WHAT IM REALLY EXCITED FOR :D okay so i own an acoustic guitar, it’s my brothers’, who got it from another guy we’ve known for like ten years. Whatever, its name is AARON cause theres a sticker that says aaron on it, and we have no idea why.
But last year i really wanted an electric guitar of my own, and had money because i was a barista, and I wanted to use it to get a guitar. I did the research and everything,I was between a Yamaha Pacifica and a Fender Stratocaster, good beginner guitars, but ended up being too busy with school and applying to uni’s to even get it and practice with it. I hadnt really picked up guitar since then, but whenever i go to ece’s house i get really excited abt her electric guitar cause it’s so pretty kdjfhgdg it’s a knockoff of a stratocaster, but it’s so beautiful. It’s bright blue and turns white towards the middle. 

Ece taught me how to play R U Mine by Arctic Monkeys and it’s crazy because i had played that in the car with Emma on the way to her house. Does she know…

BUT I WAS REALLY HAPPY ABOUT IT, SHE TAUGHT IT TO ME SO FAST? IT CLICKED IN MY BRAIN SO FAST TOO. I WAS SO HAPPY TO LEARN SOMETHING NEW AGAIN! It was easy yet new for me, and god i love guitar. And i love guitar players. So so cool.
My mentors son danced as i practiced and played it for him ^^ they were so excited abt the guitar too, so we sat together and i let them press down strings while i played lolol. Babies are so cute ;;; 


{ [ Thoughts ] } -

I always praise ece’s guitar playing skills bc she’s so good fr >< !!! GAH GUITAR PLAYERS R SO COOL. I ALWAYS GET HAPPY ABT GUITAR. Bass players r even cooler ahhhh
I remember this one guy i was semi friends with, played bass and i got really excited and was like waahhhh youre so cool. I love people who can play musical instruments, Bee plays violin and it really suits her ^^

DAY 39 ^^ these days r passing by like crazy. It is odd. 

[ Sleep Schedule || Previous Night ] -

I slept at like 2 am because i was watching a long awaited third annual wine stream of Wilbur Soot and Quackity. It was fun, but i found myself too sleepy to focus. And then i woke up for the morning prayer, before the sun rises, and i couldnt go back to sleep. So i had around 4 hours of sleep? I took a 2 hour nap later today but uh. Im pulling an all nighter now cause i have some stuff to do ^^;;; will explain later in thoughts…..

[ Socialization ] - 

I originally came with Emma but my mentor wanted to go shopping and invited me to come with and then said she’d drop me off later :333 yay! We talked a bunch, i got good stuff. I am happy with my purchases. i actually found this adorable and really nice set of glass cups, and they're perfect for drinking iced drinks with. it also came with glass straws, im so happy ^^ ahhh im so excited to use them!
oh also here’s the thing, we randomly went into one store that was flea market like, and then i saw a MINITURE POCHITA PLUSHIE AND IT WAS ONLY 4 DOLLARS. NOW I HAVE THREE!
I couldn’t not get it. Now i have a growing pochita collection. He is the perfect little cuddle size. It’s me and my 3 pochitas till the end of the world. 

But anyways, i hungout with my mentor a lot :333 it was nice!!! She has a lot of different experiences than i have, and she values my responses to stuff a LOT. :OO and it makes me happy! She rants about something and asks my opinion on it, and i hear a lot of the “i probably shouldnt be telling you this…” comment a lot, but if anything…i like it. i like being special. I like helping out! I like being useful socially and im happy i can relieve people of their brain fuzz! That they feel lighter after our conversation. 

Anyways it was so nice hanging and talking with her :3 im happy to help. Im happy to learn more and also have more to think about as well. Yay! 

[ Art/Creative ] -

I drew, it was mid. flop, even.

[ Hydration ] - 

Yesh. thumbs up

[ Physical Activity] - 

I walked around with my mentor a lot! While shopping, and if we look at the Denizs' Physical Activity Graph right here (puts on glasses and holds graph close to face) yes, right here it seems i was tired afterwards, but i didnt feel like it was rewarding. So it was still physical activity, just no peak physical activity. Thank you, our professional grapher, Deniz for this lovely graph. Onto you ISCARIOT, with Diet reports!

[ Diet ] - 


[ New Information/Something New ] -

Thank you, diet reporter ISCARIOT, please consider anxiety meds. And today for new information we have NOTHING! I just learned more about my mentor and our thoughts about the political and economic state of the world right now. That is all, i just practiced guitar more!
I even cut my nails for it, and that’s not something i would usually do. I like to keep my nails long, file them, then paint them :3 but now they are bare and short. yay!

{ [ Music ] } -

Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs. So lovely. I heard it in a Daria edit of Daria and Jane, and that was more than enough to convince me to watch Daria. Hopefully when I am free from the shackles of whatever im doing now, i will watch it.

{ [ Thoughts ] } -

Okay so here’s the deal.
Tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM (nearly 5 hours from now) i will be going to my old highschool i graduated from to make a presentation about my experience of college for this past semester. To like, give them an understanding of what it’s like first hand from me. I feel unqualified but sure dude.

I am honestly nervous. I mean i know most of the students im probably gonna present to, but aughfdgkjsfdhgkdg im just nervous because im presenting dfkjghdg
Why does this keep happening to me ;;; im not even in charge of this stuff!!!

Anyways. So that’s miserable. I dont think i can sleep anyway. Im gonna finish up my presentation, pick an outfit, probably make my lunch and stuff since i plan to go back to the office afterwards too. Miserable.

And…and GUESS WHAT! At the end of the week, my two week winter break is supposed to start, BUT I DONT GET TO REST! INSTEAD, THIS FRIDAY I TAKE A 6-8 HOUR BUS RIDE TO A DIFFERENT CITY FOR RELIGIOUS CAMP GETAWAY ACTIVITY THING. I am here for the lore. It’s supposed to be a really nice place, and honestly i can sleep in if i want to once i get there, but. That lasts for about a week, half of my goddamn break IS GONE! THE LORE BETTER BE WORTH IT. 

My best friend was devastated. He phrased it as “ur going to mars for months and decades in like a week. it's so over”

I am a cartoon character so i immediately hugged him like tamaki hugs kyoya, that is our dynamic. I will miss him and i just noticed i will probably be without a friend to cuddle the entire week. This is like THE recipe to kill me. Bee and Ece are going to a different thing, Emma isn’t that into physical touch. This is awful. HOW WILL I SURVIVE OUT THERE. me day 1 no physical intimacy

Also im nervous because….some girls i know…that i havent seen in a while may be there…and im nervous ^^;;;;;; probably a bunch of childhood friends. And stuff but, i dont know reuniting in these kinda places is always a hit or miss. If anything, ill retreat to my hotel room and watch Daria.

But anyways. After that, i finally have a week of NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL! No school or work, or community stuff. Waaahhhhh im gonna sleep so much!!! >< freedom….

Anyways that’s it!!!! Buh bye now goodbye!!!! Goodbye buh bye!!! Stay safe, and pretty please wish the best for me. Im so tired ;;;;; send your strongest soldiers your best most experienced nurses i am in need of your help

This is me. I am pou and this is life recently and youre laughing. A man has fallen into the river in lego city and youre laughing. 

anyways, In case i dont see you, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight, buh bye! 

7 Kudos


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max 's profile picture

i also have an acoustic guitar and im wanting to buy a fender strat!!!! :D and u have a pochita collection!! have u posted it cuz i would love to see it! i hope u have fun on ur religious camp thingy and cant wait to hear abt it when u get back haha ^^

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deniz's profile picture

those guitars look so cool omg :D guitars are so cool in general, like you said. R U MINE IS SUCH A GOOD SONG TOO, i'm gonna get obssesed with it again for a little while... but you know what's even cooler?? something that you didn't mention. drum players. THEY'RE SO COOL FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!! there was this one time we went to a free concert of a popular turkish band with my brother and his friends. and the whole time my eyes were fixed on the drummer guy... i was thinking to myself, "how the hell are you doing that."

also, is the pochita shrine slowly becoming a real thing... let it happen...

*clears throat and fixes glasses* thank you for the compliment, physical activity reporter guy and just like you said, as we can see in this graph, it wasn't quite rewarding... but! it was physical activity after all! and the real question is... how will this affect the situation going on in Laos...?

Gizemli savaşçı... Savaşçı ISCARIOT! Şu zamana kadar tüm kötülüklerin üstesinden geldin. Tüm, aşılamaz, denilen zorlukları aştın. Önüne gelen her yaratığı ve bütün "boss"ları kesip biçtin... BİR TANESİ HARİÇ...!! sıradaki hedefin... KÖTÜ YEMEK YEME DÜZENİ, olmalı evlat... Son durağın orası. "Schoolwork"un da kellesini aldın ve sonunda buraya geldin... Eğer bu son zorlu savaştan da galip çıkarsan Elden Ring senin olacak ve cennetin kapıları senin için aralanacak, genç savaşçı... Yeni kralı için! Şimdi bunu al ve korkusuzca ilerle... *anksiyete hapları verir* [2 new items!]
(i'm too lazy to write this in english, sorry :p)

GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PRESENTATION BTW!!!! beat those kids up with your amazing presentation skills!!! beat them up for real!! dont do that actually but good luck! good luck with the religious camp, too!! türk doktorları yolda beep beep çekilin yoldan, hasta var !!

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Slip_Moth's profile picture

I think I like the double entries more, they're just so filled to the brim. When I read these sometimes I turn to my dog and go like "no way! Are you reading this dawg" and she's just trying to sleep.

Honestly, Daria is such a good show, in my slacker days, I came home from school and just put an episode of Daria on. I still do sometimes. Your time will not be wasted. I started watching at the same when i started playing guitar and I got this big Daria sticker and put it on my guitar.

This post was so fun to read, I like the graphs and the introductions at the beginning. Very profesh!

Good luck with the religion camp and your future guitar endeavors and your presentation, knock it out of the park! The country's finest medics and strongest soldiers are on their way!

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