Sketchdump + talking about the story

Here I present to you a set of very, VERY old OCs, for the MtG fanfic I was writing when I was a teen.

Rain and Fog are semi side characters that had an entire arc with the main cast, Fog being the villain. Mur and Hunter were main characters along with another two called Nia and Gale, as well as a few official/canon MtG characters (mainly Jace and Chandra cause they're my favorites to this day)

Long story short, Mur is a young vampire that's about to give up on everything when he goes out on a spur of the moment planeswalk and steals an important artifact (he has a collection of stolen artifacts from several planes). This gets the attention of Nia and her organization, she gets close to him to steal the artifact, so Mur gets help from his best friend Gale to get it back when they realize why she stole it. The two are used to getting in trouble and being dipshits about it and always getting away unscathed. Then they meet Jace and Chandra, they ask for their help; Mur and Jace have a thing for a moment but it doesn't go very well. Also Chandra joins in for Mur and Gale's mischief cause the three just get along very well. Then they split up to search faster, Mur gets lost in a place he doesn't know and finds Hunter, who's hurt and about to die, he heals him and eases his pain with his mind magic and this has the accidental side effect of Hunter becoming completely infatuated and obsessed with Mur. Finally they find Nia, and they realize that she's turned into a werewolf, she reveals what her plans were and it turns out that she'd just been hired and she doesn't really care but she reveals the name of her employer and DUN DUN DUN! It's Tezzeret, another MtG canon character that's always up to no good. 

I can't remember much more and I'm not sure much of it made sense, but it was fun, so I decided to pick it back up. I also wanna join it with another story I was writing that's like a cross-multiverse AU (?) thing, that includes lore from Dragon Age, MtG and DnD. Yeah basically spaghetti writing idc, it's fun.

Here's a scene I've had in my mind since back then, but now it's semi-decent lol


My DnD sona comforting Mur through a dissociative episode (cause we both struggle with it and Mur my beloved I'd give him the world <3)

btw I'm a star elf! :3

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Lain Sarif

Lain Sarif's profile picture

I have to clarify that I'm aware that Hunter looks completely zoinked and not alright in that headshot I drew of him, but I can't erase ballpoint pen.

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