Beds Of Iris (tw)

"Swinging is better than living in the gutter,"

Is what my grandmother was told

When she was being sold

At the local bar by her mother

She bloomed under a flowers regime

And it devoured her power to scream

"Do what you have to do to get a pot of beans,"

Is what my grandmother had heard

As men tugged at her gird

And she was not quite yet a preteen

Soured by acid showers

Her stems and leaves of tender green

"When you're drinking, a lot of things happen,"

Is what my grandmother had said

As she spun her stories thread

A tale she's still trapped in

I still wonder what they'd spoken of together

Grandmother and a man now dead

Married after they'd bred

As both would still screw whoever

We lay in beds of Iris

She and all her likeness

The flower mimics a virus

And spreads like a cancer inside us

4 Kudos


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