Bandz i wanna see/Concertz i wanna go 2 [n concertz ive been 2]
Concertz ive been 2/Bandz Ive seen [in order, also rated cuz why not lolz]
Headliner- [My 1st real Concert]
Shinedown [10/10 frr]
Ashes to new [4-ish/10- idk i dont rly love em-]
Three Days Grace [8/10]
[tbh i dont remember a ton of 3dg at thiz concert cuz i was rly overwhelmed n overstimulated n just in the moment but it was probs the best concert i couldve gone 2 for my 1st cuz Shinedown was amazing lolz- i did also get a Shinedown shirt but even tho i love the design it was kinda rly expensive n i h8 the way it fitz:// kinda wish id spent my money on a 3DG one instead-]
All Time Low [10/10]
[lil 9yr old me in the midst of my nightcore phase would've been screaming- i did miss the 1st haft of 'Weightless' [one of my fav songs] cuz i had gone to use the bathroom n they didn't play 'Kids In The Dark' so that was a lil disappointing but it was still g8]
Greyscale [7/10]
Gym Class Heros [9/10]
[My sisterz partner was having the time of his life when GCH was on stage cuz they didn't know much, if any of ATL or Greyscale but were loving GCH lolz- also alotta this concert is blurry 2 me cuz i was drvnk/tipsy 4 alotta it lolz- i did also get 2 ATL shirtz cuz it was my birthday n i love em sm-]
Theory Of A Dead [9ish/10
Saint Asonia [7/10]
Skillet [7ish/10] [sounded like he was outta breath n dying the whole time ngl- hoping it was just cuz it was the opening show or smt lolz]
[The concert overall was cool n pretty good, tho the venues sound system sucked and we had shitty seats 4 the 1st haft until we moved down to where no one was- also was my 1st seated concert so it was just overall good but sorta odd- also got harassed by religious protesters outside cuz of skillet n the guy infront of us with his like 13yr old kid nearly lost it n started a fight when one of em started harassin his kid-]
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