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Category: Writing and Poetry

writing dump 3

I'm thinking about making a blog. Like my own blog, not just SpaceHey. But we'll see. Until then, here's this lol. I think these are some of my most favorite poems that I've ever written.

Love me, love me, love me.
Do you remember that study
About the cold machine "mother" that gave milk and the soft fuzzy mother that gave nothing but warmth?

I think about bashing myself against the shore over
And over
Love me, love me, love me.
All these years
All this grief
If I batter myself bloody bruised broken and betray myself
Will my blood remind you that you love me?

No, the blood is on my body, my hands, my face
It washes out into the sea
While you stand by in the wire and wooden wake and watch.

The hard thrum of insanity beats in my ears
I try to make the words wrap around my head but
they slip
down around my neck and pull—
You make me crazy, you know that?

I can't make the pieces fall like they used to—
Fuck, it rings in my ears 'til they bleed—
But it doesn't hurt anymore like it used to
Not even my fall, fall, fall away
goes down without my bones snapping in suspense.

6 Kudos


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Hazel's profile picture

Ah yes, cloth mother. Beautiful, each one of these. A blog of your own sounds interesting

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do you know what study im referring to??? i felt crazy looking it up on the computer at work XD

by kip; ; Report

Yeah, it’s Harry Harlow’s experiment with monkeys and if they seek affection or food. I think. But I do know about it

by Hazel; ; Report

yeah that's it!

by kip; ; Report