kris's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

first blog

hi! I'm very new to this site and with as every new site i am immediately very confused by the ui... Though it's so simple and nice that i'm sure itll take no time to get used to it. I've always wanted to use something like myspace:9

I also didn't expect to get friend requests so suddenly! Wow thanks! I only made my account out of procrastination on literature homework :O I hope i can meet cool people here i don't think anyone i know uses this site so it'll be kinda neat to get to know totally different people i guess? x) I might just stop using this site altogether pretty quickly though, i'm actually pretty sure that's exactly what will happen.

Anyway i'm not very good with introductions... I barely put together my interests list anyway. But i'm sure that from it it's pretty obvious wat kind of person i am. Um ya .

First blog!

4 Kudos


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