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Category: Blogging

GOSSIP !!!! ;]

hey nerds :B there's some gossip @ my school i wanna tell u abt 

sooo like at my school my friend is dating this absolute FREAK of a dude who like grabs their chest and shit like ?? its so weird. he's also super jealous of me cuz I spend a lot of time w them and they're coming 2 my party soon and he's not invited LOLOL but yeah he also misgenders them like a loootttt its actually so annoying and they're like quiet and shit so they dont speak up for themself BUT I DO !!!!! always do 4 my bestie :3 he also cheated on his ex gf.... it was like a year ago but like still I dont trust him, I literally h8 him X_X anyways ya that's all I have 4 now.... ill update u l8r on this freak of a guy :P

ttyl <3

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