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Category: Life

transphobia problem in the lgbtq+ community

Hey guys!

I just read the stupidest blog.

One user wrote about “what’s wrong with lgbtq” and basically hated trans people for being part of the community. (idk their gender so I will refer to them with they/them)

This user started off by saying that they are bisexual, which if understood correctly they give themself the right to judge who should be accepted in the community and who shouldn’t. To them it is clear: the only letters that matter are LGB (lesbian, gay, bisexual). This is the opposite of what the rainbow flag oder the wording lgbtq+ stands for. It stands for including every individual under the rainbow. lgbtq+ does not only revolve aroung sexuality. It is a spectrum INCLUDING gender and gender identity.

Saying trans people don’t exist and that there are only two genders permanently damages trans individuals. They even said being non-binary makes more sense than being genderfluid. Other identities do not have to make sense for you in order for you to respect them. Trans people do not owe you anything and your confusion is not their problem!

They even wrote about how trans people should seek help, saying they can talk to them, but guess what their opinion won’t change of course! This is just manipulative. Degrading (doesn’t matter if unintentionally) other peoples identities and saying that they are sick is not a cool move. It should not matter what people do with their body (they referred to trans people undergoing gender affirming surgeries) and it is most definitely none of your business. 

Trans people have been hearing these words over and over again. Trans people still get bullied and often times even killed. This is a serious topic and I hope those who hate and hurt trans people pull the huge stick out of their a— and get a grip. 

I hope the one who wrote the blog realizes what negative impact it had and i really really hope they grow up to be understanding and learning from this. The one who wrote the blog is a 14 year kid so I tried to not be too harsh although what they wrote was still very hurtful. 

Thanks for reading


Jamie <3

2 Kudos


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☆bubbles☆'s profile picture

I think they deleted their blog post- took a small spacehey break because of the transphobia and racism on here so i wouldn't know any different

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