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Category: Games

i'm so normal abt genji overwatch (infodump)

i am so badly fixated on this character

genji was a "playboy" in his earlier years, he tended to be that way because he lived in his brothers shadow his whole childhood. he acted out and didn't want to participate in the illegal activites his family did. when his father died, hanzo demanded he be more serious about the clan and genji said no, leading to his murder. (presumed). genji would've died if overwatch hadn't saved him. they left him with a body he didn't recognize, that he didn't feel was his own. like can you imagine how horrifying that would be, to have gone through something so traumatic and now you can't even see yourself, your memories are clouded and your body is cold and cybernetic. genji was tasked onto blackwatch (a former sub-branch of overwatch) and was put through controversial missions. he strayed from overwatch once it was shut down, and he traveled trying to build back what he had lost. he was trained by zenyatta at shambali and finally felt peace after going through so much. winstons recall of overwatch takes place and genji answered. sometime after, this is when the dragons cinematic takes place (if you haven't seen it already i URGEEEE you to watch it even if you have no interest in overwatch, it's beautiful) he confronted his brother (who was mourning his death). they fought and ultimately genji was in a position to kill him. but after all he went through, and the guidance of zenyatta, he spared hanzo. told him he still had hope, that it wasn't his time. 

his early concept art is also so intriguing 

mfw dragons cinematic vv

Dimension Pointer

2 Kudos


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