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Category: Life

Social skills?

Holy shit dude I've talked to so many people recently?? Well not that many I just tend to like not speak to other people too much. It's generally cause I don't wanna bother em and I like doing my own thing. Been talking to the guy who's on a few of my classes more, when I first saw em I thought they looked like a cool person but didn't know how to go about talking to them. I figured I'd let it happen whenever it's gonna and not to force it. We'll that worked out pretty well since i had world lit and print class with them but I joined the dnd afterschool club and they were there too! Aka it was no longer that weird/awkward if I were to start talking to them. Then it happened bam in my print class the guy who usually sits across from me wasn't there and the chick who sits next to me moved to the table next to us with the small group of people she had been friendly with for a while. Soo I decided to move seats too and sit next to the guy. It's been going well, I don't wanna share their name here for their privacy but it's been really nice talking to em. Like they'll info dump about planes n shit and its cool, I think we get along well. Been more socail in general, just today I talked to the chick who's friends with the guy I share a cab with. Not currently cause he got suspended but I know why now cause of her.

0 Kudos


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