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Category: SpaceHey


I know plenty of people have made blog posts about this subject already, but it has been bothering me as of late. 

The rise of DNI lists on this site is rather disappointing. I completely understand why people make DNI lists, as I used to make them myself. However, DNI lists don't really work that well. Problematic people of any kind are not going to be fazed by a DNI list. Blocking (and reporting, if necessary) problematic people is going to do a lot more than simply publishing a blog post full of people you don't want to interact with. A lot of people who make DNI lists seem to be on the younger side, which is why I don't really complain about or make fun of the people who make them. I myself am rather young, so that would be kind of hypocritical of me to do (it would also be rude).

Seeing all the DNI blogs in the "newest blogs" section inspired me to delete my own that I made when I first joined SpaceHey. I have learned to block people that I don't want to interact with and I now allow other users to look at my profile before deciding if they want to add me or not.  

At the end of the day, I really don't care if a user has a DNI list or not. The last thing I want to do is spread negativity by complaining about things that, at the end of the day, don't really matter. I just think that people should start making About Me blogs instead of DNI lists when they first join this site. That way, users can learn what a person likes instead of what a person doesn't like. Making friends is easier when you share your interests instead of the things that you hate. 

I just needed to get this off of my chest.

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vampire's coat (alehhh) 🍉

vampire's coat (alehhh) 🍉's profile picture

true, true!

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