origins of halloween

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Since its spooky season, and I love making blogs I thought it would be fun if could talk about the origins of Halloween. I think learning about the history about anything interesting, but I LOVEEE Halloween so I hope this is interesting enough for you guys!! Hope u enjoy :D 

i might make other parts for other holidays or just random parts of history, so if you have any suggestions and i mea  anything from the cold war to ancient greece i WILL do it so please comment!!!

Halloween History

The Halloween tradition didn't first start with ghouls, vampires and Jeff the killer (unfortunately) with jack-o-lanterns and a bunch of sweets, it is largely agreed that it originated from the Celtic festival known as Samhain normally celebrated on November 1st. The Celtic people believed the worlds of the living and the dead became fuzzy, the souls of the dead were to revisit their homes.

When Christianity became more popular around England, Samhain became merged with a Christian celebration All saints day, in which they honour all saints and martyrs, many different Celtic celebrations merged with Christian, to encourage Celtics to follow the Christian religion.

All Saints day eventually was later known as 'All-Hallows', and then 'All-Hallows Eve'. From this the word 'Halloween was created, and even stuck as throughout the middle ages and British history, when religion fell in and out of favour

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cilica's profile picture

hmm this is really interesting fact

i recommend to post something ab roman empire cuz i'm really interested in it too, maybe antic greece too

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by arcadia; ; Report


.thefenwitch.'s profile picture

as a pagan with a main interest in celtic mythology and tradition, this is REALLY COOL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

if i may suggest smth: i would recommend looking the origins of the jack o' lantern :D they used to be made with turnips and they look absolutely terrifying (theres also a really cool myth behind it)

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oh also trick or treating dates back to a tradition from the middle ages called "mumming" and it later spread around and became known as "mumming" in england and "guising" in scotland and ireland :3

sorry i hyperfixated on it a while ago lmfao

by .thefenwitch.; ; Report