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Category: SpaceHey

Generational Fighting on SpaceHey.

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Lately, I've witnessed a lot of fighting on this platform between teenagers and adults. I am here to say that I think this fighting is absolutely useless and ridiculous. Everybody involved in this fighting is making things worse for themselves and this site. Here are some things I think should be done to avoid fighting on this platform:

- Adults should stop complaining about teenagers being on this site. All adults were teenagers at some point. A lot of these adults who are complaining about teenagers being on this site were at some point teenagers on MySpace. It baffles me, therefore, that these adults are complaining about teenagers being "cringe" and "stupid" on SpaceHey when they themselves were probably "cringe" and "stupid" when they were on MySpace as teenagers. Instead of complaining about teenagers and how they will never understand what the old internet was like (that's a fair point, by the way), adults should instead try and talk to these teenagers about what the internet was actually like. Most teenagers who are obsessed with the 2000s (like me) would love to hear stories about the old internet. I, for one, would love to know more than I already do about it. I would also like to add that not every change the internet has gone through since the MySpace days is a negative one. Sure, the internet of today has its problems, but I also like some of the changes the internet has gone through. I like, for example, how things like homophobia, transphobia, ableism, fatphobia, etc. are not as accepted now as they were during the early days of the internet. I also like how people make sure to add content warnings and trigger warnings to potentially upsetting posts. Adults who complain about how teenagers are too sensitive nowadays need to realize that being sensitive isn't necessarily a bad thing.

- Teenagers should stop having knee jerk reactions to posts made by adults. A lot of these posts are condescending, yes, but that doesn't mean teenagers should respond to them without thinking about what they are saying. I've seen some really vile responses to these adult-made posts. I'm sure we are all familiar with that one post by the user Matt (who I have blocked; people really need to learn how to use the block button). In the comments section of that post, I saw a lot of people being ableist. Teenagers need to understand that adding more fuel to a fire is only going to make the fire bigger. Teenagers, as a whole, need to think about where the adults in these posts are coming from. Rather than attacking these adults, teenagers should have discussions with them. If a teenager finds that an adult is still being rude to them even after they tried to be civil, then the teenager should block the adult.

- Adults need to stop attacking teenagers for their interests/attacking younger scene kids for the fact that they are into "scenecore." I don't like scenecore (in fact, I despise it) but I don't go out of my way to make fun of those who are into it. I think adults (and even teenagers) who were/are scene should educate these new scene kids about scene culture, music, fashion, etc. instead of picking on them.

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mitty's profile picture

people just wanna complain on the internet (naturally me included) for literally no paticular reason other than having nothing else to do lol

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Digital Cheese

Digital Cheese's profile picture

Millenial OGs VS Gen-Z TikTok Kids VS Gen-Alpha Skibidi Toilet Addicts

The true battle royale we've been wanting out of video games for years, but never got

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what if im not on tiktok LOL no fr tho

by zyozi; ; Report

Finally an actually good battle royale, i will enjoy it

by Digital Cheese; ; Report


RUBYXX's profile picture

i think that this is one of the best worded and sensible opinion on this stupid gen war this site is for sharing art and blogging not hate

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Rin_128's profile picture

it's either they don't realize that or they just really need to argue to have validation

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melt's profile picture


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I felt like this post needed to be made. This topic is rather nuanced, and a lot of people fail to see it as such. I'm tired of seeing so much one-sidedness on this site.

by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX; ; Report

100%! i’m very happy to see a post like this, it’s gotten really toxic in the past day or so on here

by melt; ; Report