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Allow robots Ameca into homes...and Musk humanoid robots into our home
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They Aren't like Irobot They're safe. » Continue Reading
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They Aren't like Irobot They're safe. » Continue Reading
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Trump! and the peoples humans can save this country by » Continue Reading
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I Voted Green party vote Green or Republican Redwave and Greenwave, Maybe Chase Oliver Libertarian though hes very right more right than Trump we'll see we cant allow the electronic polls to stop fair voting if it was scripted Trump should win. » Continue Reading
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https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/ » Continue Reading
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Plaster Caster is about impregnating women Goin blind is about 16 year oldKISS song Gene Simmons song Christine Sixteen is a KISS Gene Simmons song. Songs off Rock and Roll Over is about prostitution. Mr Speed is about the drug speed and how quick a man can do it with a woman Makin love is a song about sex though Paul Stanley was also prostituting makin love to a Prostitute. This blog is dedicat... » Continue Reading
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Lauren I remember 2001? 01 or 02 when I had four wisdom teeth removed gave me too much anesthesia and my cousin had to carry a woozy me to the carfelt dizzy not sure if it was on my heart actually stimulants ADHD messed me up. Chair shot steel n m » Continue Reading
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Zombies Ate My Neighbors was an animated game in the early 1990S greatest funest came especially with code to the last level it was A OVERLY LONG GAME, HARD after some levels. I beat the game. Sandra the lovely 7 it was like a wildca » Continue Reading
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To many Gettr users were threatening democrats and politicians. Since its founding in 2021 American swami hates jews in media I dont like what ROB she said about two KISS leaders being jewish and the other members like they were less human Gene Simmons was a human playing the role of the devil like Dracula Bela lugosi Gene's behavior was envious of Ace, Peter being their own voices laughing, and G... » Continue Reading
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We need websites not just apps to let our feelings be heard read even if its within an inner circle. » Continue Reading
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Why do these peoples have twitter Paul stanley is obsessed with his own demons and so is gene simmons and they are supposedly of Judaism of Israel if they're demons islam are too demons slaying demons slaying demons. Catholics are not evil demons. » Continue Reading
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The Ratboy Eric Singer of KISS shouldnt be Catman II or Raccoon Eric Singer they wash their hands Though some raccons get rabies? did scientists give it to them. » Continue Reading
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This was love. » Continue Reading